• LEAP DAY • És la traducció d’any de traspàs o com en diem en castellà, año bisiesto.
En anglès el dia d’avui és Leap day i l’any, leap year.
Leap significa salt, i és una expressió que la fan servir en molts contextos diferents. Per exemple:
📌Leap year: A year that has an extra day, February 29, occurring every four years.
Example: “2020 was a leap year, so we had an extra day in February.”
📌Leap of faith: Taking a risk or making a decision without complete certainty.
Example: “She took a leap of faith and quit her job to pursue her passion for painting.”
📌Quantum leap: A sudden, significant, or important advance or development.
Example: “The discovery of antibiotics marked a quantum leap in the field of medicine.”
📌Leap into action: To start doing something quickly and energetically.
Example: “When the fire alarm rang, the firefighters leaped into action.”
En saps alguna més?